7 Word Story #17

“Every member of parliament trips on glue”

Today’s 7 Word Story comes from a comment by Ian Brown, former lead singer of the Stone Roses. It’s flippant but true about every government establishment in each and every country around the world.

7 word Story #16

A slight bit of improvisation here from one of my favourite films. Thanks for Se7en, my 7 word story is simply The deadly sins;

  • ENVY
  • LUST

If you enjoy the film and I’ve made you put it on and gain now for a bit of nostalgia or even if you have never heard about the film before and I’ve captivated your curiosity to check it out, please do. It’s a belting films staring Morgan Freeman, Brad Pitt, Kevin Spacey and Gwyneth Paltrow 🎥🍿

Living with Bipolar Disorder Explained: An Overview

Attached is a PDF of a summary I wrote a couple of years ago with the help of the NHS. It’s mainly just a generalisation but it does include some personal experiences. As it was potentially to be used for distribution to other patients, all bases needed to be covered and not too specific or focus on just one part of the illness.

Please feel free to share, comment or re-blog if you wish. Hopefully It can be of help to someone somewhere 👍

My Book 📖 : I Hate Being Bipolar, it’s Absolutely Awesome – The Epileptic Log (Epilogue)

I recently finished my book about living with Bipolar Disorder. It’s the third book I’ve written about it. The few people who have read it have all been very complimentary about it. I’m going to post on here a chapter a day, so if you want to check it out you can. Today’s post contains the Epileptic Log. It’s just a play on words for the Epilogue.

I hope you like it and you enjoy reading my account, which is not graphic but honest. If you would like a link to the book then please comment on this post and I’ll send you a link 👍