Daily Prompt: What Everyone Should Know

What’s something you believe everyone should know.

Everyone should know to have awareness, awareness for yourself and how you are doing. This is because it impacts on everything you do. Smile. You have to be kind to yourself. Kind enough to stop ignoring the parts of you that you don’t like. Acceptance is crucial. Accept the things you like about yourself and then also accept the things that you don’t like about yourself. Smile. You can only address these things if you acknowledge that they are there. Try to smile at least once a day. Everyday. Make sure you tell the people that you love, that you love them. Everyday. This is because, you never know which day could be yours or their last. Remember to be polite, manners cost nothing but mean everything. Smile. Never go to bed in a bad mood. If you are in a bad mood, then put your favourite song on and singalong, your mood will lift. Stop worrying about getting old. To age is natural and how you look is how you’re supposed to. Wrinkles DO NOT make you inferior! You are beautiful! Don’t worry about anything, no amount of anxiety will make a blind bit of difference to what is going to happen. Treat other people in a manner in which you would like to be treated yourself. Get your haircut regularly. A fresh haircut makes you feel better. Remember that life is a marathon, not a sprint and at times you will be lagging behind the pack and at other times you will be leading the pack. Concerning yourself with jealousy will keep you at the back of the pack. Remember the compliments you receive and ignore the insults. Never try to argue with a fool. They will drag you down to their level and then you’ll get annoyed. Every village has an idiot. Smile. Always have a smile on your face. It’s the best thing you can ever wear!

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